Software Engineering Salaries in 2024, by Country

This page contains software engineering salaries arranged by country for the year of 2024. If you receive a salary in one of these then please leave a comment (anonymous) stating why you make and what role you’re in. Countries (Alphabetical) Algeria Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Bulgaria … Read more

Technology Job Salaries by Year and Sector

This post is the once stop shop for you to see tech, software engineering and IT salaries from around the world. Simply click any link below to see what you should be earning! These are updated every year so you can get an idea of the progression, and extra cash, that you should be seeing! … Read more

How to Get a ChatGPT API Key

See below for instruction on how to get your ChatGPT API key. What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI. It’s designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. Essentially, it’s a computer program that can carry on a conversation, answer questions, and provide information on … Read more

Categories AI

Ultimate Guide: Asynchronous vs Synchronous in Javascript

This article aims to be the most comprehensive guide to asynchronous vs synchronous in Javascript. This is a very easy topic to understand once you actually know it. And there’s the problem, every single programmer sucks when trying to explain it! I will initially explain these concepts using the analogy of a shopping trip, which … Read more

Bun Hot Reload Not Working – 3 Fixes

Is hot reloading not working in your bun.js project? This article gives you 3 potential fixes (from a real developer). First of all there are 2 ways you can hot reload code in your project: The first one, –hot, watches your files for changes and only reloads the content. It DOES NOT restart the bun … Read more