Software Developer in Gibraltar

I currently live in lovely sunny Gibraltar, “The Rock”. If you’re looking for a full stack website developer to build a product for you then I’m always available for a chat. What follows is a quick rundown of what I can do for you.

Build a Website

I can build any website you need. Options range from off the shelf WordPress (which you can self manage) to fully custom website software. I can also setup eCommerce sites both on WordPress and Shopify, helping you integrate important systems such as analytics and payment processors.

Build a Software MVP in Gibraltar (Minimum Viable Product)

Usually you cannot have a good idea of what your product should look like until you actually have a working prototype in hand. I can help design and build one for you, keeping initial costs low. From there I can help guide you on what the product might look like and what options you have regarding:

  • Monetisation via ads
  • In app subscriptions
  • User experience
  • Integration of marketing systems
  • And a lot more!

My Experience

I’ve built more software products than I can remember! However the most prominent is Linkup TV, a hip hop music app serving 100,000 customers daily. I built that app on both Android and Apple and I built the server infrastructure from scratch.

I am completely technology agnostic so I do not “need” to code in any one language or framework. Instead I choose the best option for your project. I take into account the availability and cost of 3rd party engineers so will never code in some obscure language that’s impossible to find engineers for!

This way, if your app or website grows you can always find people to continue building and running it.

What I Bring to You

I enjoy all aspects of building tech businesses so I like liasing with other team members. I feel it’s extremely important for the product team (me) to always be talking with the business team and marketing. There’s no such thing as development in a vacuum! Changes in the software can affect business model choices and vice versa!

Contact Me

If you have a serious project and funding to build it then please contact me using the form below. I’ll happily sit down over a coffee to discuss it with you.

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