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Course – Introduction to bun & Elysia for Node Devs

Categories: bun
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What Will You Learn?

  • Understand the basics of bun JS
  • Create a Raw bun Server
  • Use the Elysia framework in bun
  • Create a Server in Elysia
  • Understand URL params and body data
  • Apply schema and data validation
  • Learn architecture
  • Understand how to seperate concerns
  • Create middleware by hooking into lifecycle events (Elysia)

Course Content

Introduction to bun JS
Get an overview of bun JS and what makes it great. We cover installation, basic setup, package installation and running npm scripts.

  • Introduction to bun JS
  • Installation and Setup
  • Create bun Hello World
  • Simple bun Server & Speed Comparison vs Node JS
  • Running Scripts and Watching for Changes
  • Install Packages at Light Speed

Create a Native bun Server & Explore the API
In this module we will cover environment variables, hot reloading, files, JSON, GET and POST routes. I'll also go over a few gotchas!

Simple Server With the Elysia Framework
In this section we will cover: Creating basic scaffolding for an Elysia app Understanding routing in Elysia with architecture hints to separate out your concerns Extracting url parameters How to handle body data Returning valid responses Find the finished code at https://github.com/grantmk/Bun-JS-Starter-Course-Section-3

Elysia – Serving Client Apps, Typing and Enforcing Schema
- Serve static sites from our bun instance - Pointers about serving single page applications - Define schema for incoming data from URL parameters and body - Enforce schema and cast types safely on incoming data

Elysia Lifecycle & Middleware Equivalents
We will cover: Go over basic lifecycle hooks for common use cases Create our own middleware for authentication from x-access headers Use our dummy HTML page to send authenticated requests to our server Finished code at: https://github.com/grantmk/Bun-JS-Starter-Course-Section-5

How to Request More Content
Thank you for watching. I may not have covered something important so if you need anything then please watch the video to see how to request it (no promises - but I'll try!)

Student Ratings & Reviews

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4 months ago
Really enjoyable pace if you can already code basic JS / TS. Covers pretty much everything I needed to know to convert my existing servers into the more efficient bun versions.