bun.js Course

My bun js course is for you if you’re:

  • Totally new to bun.js
  • Coming to bun from node or deno and want to get up to speed
  • Wondering how bun will save you time / development effort
  • Interested in dodging the gotchas when migrating projects

I’m aiming to release the beta version of the course in March 2024. In order to get first access please use the free form at the bottom of this page.

Important Course Information

A limited number of people will be offered a substantial discount for beta testing the course and will be able to suggest module additions.

But…if you’re not signed up then you won’t get the notification!

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bun.js is coming….

Free pre-registration for my bun.js course

Would you like to replace node.js with a more performant, less “module-y” and uber-cool technology? Let me show you how to do it in less time than it takes to find one days worth of issues on stack overflow!